Korean Tofu Bowl

Korean Tofu Bowl

Sometimes the simplest flavors come together to highlight a perfect combination of sweet, salty, savory and altogether delicious like these Korean tofu bowls. For a quick and easy dish that’s plant based, vegan, vegetarian and still statisfying, this is one of my favorite mid week go to’s.

Vegan Tofu Lettuce Wraps

Vegan Tofu Lettuce Wraps

These vegan tofu lettuce wraps are as flavorful as they are fun to eat. I love being able to tuck in more vegetables that add striking color and make it even more delicious. Layers are the key to flavor here with a vegetable base, topped 

Hawaiian Chili and Rice

Hawaiian Chili and Rice

Hawaiian-style chili is an unsung hero of island comfort food, marrying the warm, savory spices of Portuguese sausage with the heartiness of classic chili. This recipe celebrates Hawaii’s rich melting pot of cultures and culinary influences. Portuguese immigrants introduced linguica, a flavorful, smoky sausage, to 

Vegan Zuppa Toscana

Vegan Zuppa Toscana

I love this Vegan Zuppa Toscana soup recipe! It has all of the flavors I want in a hot soup on a cold day. The rich flavorful broth, seasoned with fennel and red pepper flakes will warm the body and soul while the kale, potato 

Mild Italian Tofu Sausage

Mild Italian Tofu Sausage

As our family has began eating more plant based foods I find myself looking for ways to convert old family favorites from meat based to vegetarian or vegan. Unless a vegetable on hand makes a good substitute, I often find myself looking to tofu as 

Summer Breakfast Tofu Scramble

Summer Breakfast Tofu Scramble

This summer breakfast tofu scramble combines sweet, savory vegetables scrambled with tofu make a delicious breakfast.

Korean Pickled Cucumbers

Korean Pickled Cucumbers

Whether you like pickles or not you are sure to love these Korean Pickled Cucumbers. A spicy salty sweet pickle marinade turns cucumbers into a crunchy satisfying treat. Inevitably each summer I end up with more cucumbers than I can eat and wonder what to 

Pie Crust

Pie Crust

There’s nothing better than homemade pie crust for any sweet or savory filling you can dream up. This pie crust recipe has done right by many satisfied full bellies over the years. With just a few ingredients and a few tips and tricks it’s easy 

Quick and easy homemade Kimchi

Quick and easy homemade Kimchi

I admit my kimchi love affair started years ago when I was pregnant and still hasn’t subsided. At one point I went all in and purchased a 5 gallon tub of it. Shortly after, I realized I have a mild allergy to garlic. Just like 

Brown Butter Orange Blossom Rice Krispie Treats

Brown Butter Orange Blossom Rice Krispie Treats

This orange blossom Rice Krispie treat is my go to homemade sweet treat for events at my son’s school, housewarming gifts, parties, road trips, breakfast (yes sometimes it’s necessary) and every once in a while a whole pan just for me. Every time I share