Journey From Carnivore to Vegan to Vegetarian

Journey From Carnivore to Vegan to Vegetarian

As someone who never imagined giving up meat (I would say often that “bacon makes everything better”), my journey to a vegan lifestyle has been both surprising and transformative. It all began in December 2019, after watching The Game Changers movie while at the same time hearing and learning more about the detrimental effects of large-scale meat production on our planet. What started as a quest for personal health soon evolved into a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between diet, the environment, and overall well-being.

Carnivore Diet

Before embracing a plant-based lifestyle, I ate a lot of whole foods but my diet was centered around meat. Everything I had known and been taught placed meat as the primary ingredient in almost every meal, aside from a sugary breakfast here and there! I was always sure to include vegetables and whole grains and to focus on reducing carbs but never really even questioned the inclusion of meats or seafood. I didn’t even consider or know about the hidden costs of this dietary choice, both for my own health and for the planet.

The Game-changer

The Game Changers movie was a game-changer for me as well as a lot of others I know. It shed light on the impact to our health and environmental devastation caused by animal agriculture, from deforestation to water pollution. Learning about the staggering statistics – like how animal agriculture contributes to more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector combined – made me reconsider my dietary choices and how I was living my life.

Transitioning to Vegan Diet

Transitioning from a carnivore diet to a vegan lifestyle wasn’t too hard with so may products available today but it was interesting. I had to relearn how to cook and navigate social situations where meat was the centerpiece. Having a side salad for dinner with no dressing is not that exciting but it’s what you get sometimes if you don’t speak up or plan ahead. However, the more I immersed myself in plant-based cooking and nutrition, the more I realized the abundance of delicious and nutritious alternatives available. Embracing a vegan diet not only aligned with my values of compassion and sustainability but also brought unexpected health benefits.

Health Checkups and Dietary Changes

Regular health checkups provided tangible evidence of the positive impact of my dietary transition. My cholesterol levels, which had been borderline high on a carnivore diet, dropped significantly after just one year of being vegan. The statistics speak for themselves: studies have shown that vegans have lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease compared to meat-eaters.

Evolution: From Vegan to Vegetarian

While veganism initially seemed like the ultimate dietary choice, I eventually found myself reintroducing some animal products into my diet as a vegetarian. This decision was motivated by personal preferences and a desire for balance rather than any perceived health benefits. Even as a vegetarian, I remain committed to consuming plant-based meals whenever possible and minimizing my environmental footprint.

My journey from carnivore to vegan to vegetarian has been a transformative experience, both personally and environmentally. It’s shown me the power of conscious choices and the profound impact they can have on our health and the world around us. Whether you’re considering a plant-based lifestyle for health reasons, environmental concerns, or ethical considerations, know that every small change makes a difference. Together, we can create a healthier, more compassionate, and sustainable world, one meal at a time.

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