
Welcome to Tine + Tumbler!

Your destination for wholesome recipes and sustainable living inspiration! Join me on a culinary journey influenced by my experiences living in Hawaii and Portland, Oregon. Here at Tine + Tumbler, I’m dedicated to sharing recipes, ranging from childhood meat-based recipes that I am converting to easy and delicious vegetarian and vegan recipes.

Why do I prioritize simple, healthy, and homemade meals? Because, quite simply, they taste better and contribute to my overall well-being. If I can’t pronounce an ingredient, it doesn’t belong in my body. But my passion for food extends beyond just taste – I also strive to live more sustainably, taking steps to support our environment, planet, climate, and fellow humans.

One of my fondest memories of cooking stems from childhood, a time when my family gathered to prepare meals together. Even now, dishes like the Vegan Mushroom Caesar Salad evoke nostalgia while offering a delicious vegan option.

Throughout my life, I’ve drawn inspiration from the incredible cooks and shared moments with loved ones. From my grandmother’s garden, where we indulged in fresh raspberries with a sprinkle of sugar and a splash of cream, to the homemade cassis made by my aunt that’s simply irresistible. Memories of my mother’s Hawaiian specialties – dried banana, pineapple, and fresh canned tuna – are woven into the fabric of my culinary journey.

My backyard gardens, bursting with sun-ripened fruits and vegetables, fuel my passion for cooking and preservation. It’s these experiences, rooted in love, family, and the bountiful ingredients of the Pacific and Northwest, that inspire the recipes I share here at Tine + Tumbler.

I invite you to explore these recipes, crafted with care and inspired by the flavors of home. From my family to yours, let’s savor the joys of wholesome cooking and embrace a lifestyle that nurtures both body and planet.

Cheers to delicious meals and sustainable living!